When we are unmotivated in some area of our life, our days lose fun, we dont feel like doing anything and our productivity goes down.Life can play tricks on us that are hard to get around or avoid. No one is immune to sadness, unhappiness and disappointments. What sets us apart, therefore, is our ability to persist in what we believe in, to change our way of seeing each situation and to discover who we really are in difficult moments.Therefore, it is important to observe what is making us like this so we can run after a solution and get well as soon as possible.To develop this ability and thus have a lighter and more prosperous life, we dont need much. Start looking for inspiration with quotes for motivation and see that life can be much better if we face each situation with strength and joy.If you are experiencing this or know someone who is, we can help! We have made a selection of short motivational phrases to show you that you are capable of facing anything and that you should not be discouraged.